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Proclamations of Faith Trumpet2.wmf (7468 bytes)
by David A. DePra
On Spiritual Growth:
Spiritual growth is a  process wherein I become weak, reduced, and
depleted, so that Jesus Christ might become my consuming passion.
In Christ, the spiritually mature are those who have become as little
God freely gives us all things in Jesus Christ. But what we become
because of what God gives is determined through the process of
spiritual growth.
God never tells us to "win all things," or to "earn all things," or to "try to
qualify for all things." He tells us to "hold fast" to all things. There is
nothing we have in Christ which is not freely given to us. But by faith, we
must continually choose to "hold fast" to God's free gift against all that
would try to convince us to give it away.
The more I try to "build character," the more I build pride. The only
character God wants to build in me is that of His Son. That means MY
character must go the way of the Cross.
Anyone can alter their conduct to conform to a set of Christian rules or
Biblical principles. But no one can write the righteousness of God upon
his heart. This is the difference between the old and new covenants.
Anything bad which God shows me about myself is merely a revelation of
what He has always known, and what I am now ready to confess and
When God convicts us of our real condition, it is natural to think that what
we see is proof that we have back-slidden. But rather, it is proof that we
are moving on. We are beginning to see things the way He sees them.
Spiritual bankruptcy is a condition where I don't possess what I need, and
have no way of getting it. But I rejoice in it, for I know that Jesus Christ
possesses me.
True humility is never the result of seeing my depravity. It is the result
of seeing the greatness of Jesus Christ.
Never ask God to show you how to work your way up to Him. Believe
that He has already come down to you.
If we don't understand what God is doing, it is an opportunity to walk by
faith. Faith is not based on understanding the facts. It is based upon
trust in the One who does understand them.
It is normal for God to refuse to tell us what He is doing. Rather, He is in
the business of revealing to us who He IS.
God is more concerned about what He is doing in me through my
circumstances than He is about the circumstances themselves.

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