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Fitting Y2K Into Our Prophetic Scheme

by David A. DePra

     Jesus is coming again. That is something to rejoice about. It
is the hope of all Christianity. But He isn't coming on January 1,
2000. You can pretty much bank on that.
     Why? Because Jesus told us "the Son of Man comes at an
hour that you expect not." The turn of the milennium is an hour
we WOULD expect. Case closed. It just isn't going to happen.
Not likely. Not on that day.
     But when? When will He finally come? There was never a
question which Jesus answered more straightforward. He said,
"I don't know, and YOU can't know. Period. So be ready at all
     This answer has been lost today. If you watch Christian
television, read Christian books, and keep track of what many
of the visible Christian ministries are saying today, you will hear
a strange message. It is a message which has the future all
mapped out for us. We are being told, in a step by step, detailed
way, exactly what is going to happen in the next few years to lead
up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There is going to be
a one world government. There is going to be a man who is the
anti-Christ. There is going to be the mark of the beast. There is
going to be the great tribulation, and the rapture, either before,
during, or after it. It's all mapped out, ready to happen. All we
have to do it wait and see it unfold.
     Some of us are so sure that all of this is exactly what is going
to happen that we look in the newspapers every day to find
fulfillments of these interpretations. Indeed, we begin to read
events INTO the Bible. One popular prophecy teacher recently
claimed that the star wars missle project of the 1980's and 1990's
was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation that "there was war
in the heavens." This is a perfect example of missing the Truth
in favor of our need to validate our prophetic interpretations.
     Now, all of this might seem harmless enough. Afterall, what
harm could there be in trying to interpret prophecy? Even if we
are wrong, does it really hurt anyone?
     Maybe we ought to consider something. What if NOTHING we
commonly believe is going to happen leading up to the Second
Coming is correct? What if ALL OF IT is wrong? What if every
one of the events we have predicted from Bible prophecy are
the products of improper interpretation and religious tradition?
     What if everything ends up happening another way -- a way which
is totally removed from what we expect? What if somewhere
along the way we have erred on how we interpret Biblical
     If this is what has happened, then what we are going to have
is a group of people who will expect things to unfold one way,
but they are going to unfold another. Indeed, that is the best of
it. What we will really have are Christians who are interpreting
everything around them according to a pattern they have bought
into, but who are unaware that it is totally wrong. That is
     The trouble with having things figured out ahead of time is that
it often doesn't matter what goes on around you -- you are going
to say that it fits into the pattern you have established. In other
words, if this or that world event takes place, it will be made to
fulfill my prophetic interpretation. It doesn't matter whether it does
or not. The pattern says it does, so it does. Progress in this
error far enough and you have a group of people who are totally
out of focus with what God is after in these times, and in their lives.
     Jesus said we were to WATCH and PRAY. He said we were
to keep awake and in focus. For what? The Second Coming?
Well, in the ultiimate sense. But really for His workings and
dealings NOW. If we do that, then we will automatically be ready
for His literal return to earth.
     It would be a tragic irony if the thing which gets Jesus out of
focus for us is our expectation that He must come in the pattern
we have provided for Him. Would we be ready for Him?
     For instance, what if Jesus came tomorrow? I mean, what if He
came without any of the events we insist will preceed Him taking
place? What if, upon His arrival, we then clearly see how every
word of prophecy did get fulfilled, but not in the way we insisted?
Would we be ready? Or would we, as they did in regarding His
first coming, say to Him, "You can't be the Messiah. You have not
come in the way our prophetic interpretation demands."
     Perhaps no event will prove the point more than Y2K. For
over a year now, highly visible Christian television ministries have
been predicting the end of civilization as we know it. Some have
actually dug into the Bible and found verses predicting Y2K. And
the reasoning process is amazing. One teacher said, "We know
that there must be a mark of the beast. And we have figured out
what it is. Until computers, this was not possible. Y2K is clearly
the event which the government will use to take away our rights
and control our buying and selling."
     Do we see what is happening here? Since we claim to know
world events before they will happen, we are now in the business
of making world events fit into our prophetic scheme. And Y2K
has certainly been made to fit into many a prophetic scheme.
     Interestingly, the government tells us that Y2K should not be a
major problem. Only a small bump in the road. Especially in the
United States. This has been what they have told us almost
from the beginning. But some Christian ministries say the
government is lying, or in denial. Who is right?
     The guess here is the government. Conspiracy theories
non-withstanding, and despite the fact that our government is
becoming more and more anti-Christian, they are probably telling
the truth on this one. Y2K should be treated like a severe winter
storm is treated. No more and no less. It won't be long before we
know for sure.
     History has taught us that everytime Christians think they have
it figured out, they are wrong. Everytime. But we don't seem to
want to learn from history. We continue on making the same
     What Y2K should be is a wake-up call. It should be a wake-up
call to Christians to stop trying to fit God into a pre-determined
prophetic scheme. Let Him fit US into His purpose in His Son. *

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